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Susanna Vestling

Visually Impaired Masseurs

People with disabilities are a socially-excluded group within Europe, less likely than non-disabled people to have qualifications and therefore more likely to be unemployed.

The aim of the project was to help establish the creation of a pan-European model for a vocational training course in massage for people who are visually impaired, with the emphasis being on entrepreneurship, including taking vocational tests to receive certification. It was planned, realized and evaluated in close collaboration with qualified massage practitioners and educators from a number of European countries where the massage profession for people with visual impairments is well established. Also involved were representatives from associations for people who are visually impaired and representatives from working life. As a result of this collaborative and integrative approach to the existing massage training courses available in the participating countries the model which was created within the project framework can be used as the basis for further development of massage training in Europe.

The use of this European model can promote international cooperation and lead to an increased understanding of the activities related to massage in different countries. The model for the massage training will eventually be available throughout Europe. This will make it possible for potential students with a visual impairment to be offered the opportunity to undertake the training in their own country and increase their potential employability.


The Swedish Vocational Institute, Finland (SYI)
Arla Institute
The Federation for The Swedish-Speaking Visually Impaired in Finland (FSS)
Finnish Association of Visually Impaired Masseurs and Physiotherapists (FAN)
Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired (NKL)
AKTIVO 2000 - International Association of Visually
Impaired Masseurs and Physiotherapists
Arbetsförmedlingen Rehabilitering (Employment offices with special resources for people with disabilities)
The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired (SRF)
I.Ri.Fo.R. The Institute for Research, Training and Rehabilitation
APEDV, Associação Promotora De Emprego De Deficientes Visuais
Royal National College for the Blind (RNC)
Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)
CIMO: LEONARDO DA VINCI Community Vocational Training Action Programme

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